Please join us for this very exciting event!

It is a first for Open Door and is breaking new ground for the arts community in Columbus. Come make history with us!
THIS INSPIRED THATA Collaborative exhibit featuring artists from Open Door Art Studio and Mother Artists at Work
This exhibit is a wonderful partnership between a local artist collective and several Open Door artists.
- Where:Open Door Art Studio,1050 Goodale Boulevard,Grandview, OH 43212
- When:Exhibit runs from April 14th until June 1st
- OPENING RECEPTION: Saturday, April 14th from 5pm until 7pm
- Why:As artists, we're always looking for new inspirations, something that moves us, our muse. For this exhibit MAW artists have selected work made by artists from Open Door Art Studio that inspired them, then used that spark to create a companion piece. Both works are displayed side-by-side in this unique exhibition.
Excited? Want a sneak peek? Check out this pair of artworks by Doug and Sharon:
This ('The Coronation by Doug G.)
Inspired That! ('Marie Gets Crowned' by Sharon D.)